Welcome to the magic of Synchrony
Your Galactic signature is:
Kin N°
Date: birth date
The Meaning of your solar seal indicates what your personal purpose is, what you came to be in this life, it is a quality with which you will easily identify since it is your essence as a person, in your case your solar seal is:
““YELLOW SUN” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a generous person, with a great vocation for social and collective service, you came to share all your knowledge, wisdom and to deliver it with total joy and enjoyment.
“BLUE STORM” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a person who transforms realities and hearts, you have a unique intensity, capable of initiating any change in a harmonic and subtle way.
“WHITE MIRROR” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a person who came to make transparent and reflect what is true. Honesty is your great characteristic, helping to order spaces, relationships, projects or everything that appears in your life by synchronicity.
“RED EARTH” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a person who came to connect with nature and planetary evolution, using the elementals (water-air-earth-fire) in an intuitive and perfect way, taking care of your natural resources and of the planet.
“YELLOW WARRIOR” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a person with an intelligence capable of questioning and providing brave and cunning solutions. Integrating multiple simultaneous skills, developing a fast and accurate brain.
“BLUE EAGLE” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a visionary person who has the ability to take distance to see all paths and possibilities, as well as to immerse yourself in the psychic world to interpret dreams and oracles connected with your third eye. innately.
“WHITE WIZARD” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a person who manages to attract attention, letting mental problems disappear, connecting with the present and synchronizing with the frequency of magic where the odds are minimal, however the miracle occurs.
“RED SKYWALKER” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are an explorer, traveler, entrepreneur who has innovative ideas endowed with sacred love.
“YELLOW HUMAN” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a deep, thoughtful person. Who loves knowledge to activate their wisdom and influence free will.
“BLUE MONKEY” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a playful, multifaceted and charming person. Connected with her internal child, who has a lot of energy to enjoy what she does, sharing enthusiasm and joy.
“WHITE DOG” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a person with an innate power to connect with sacred unconditional love, you are loyal to your dreams and compassionate with your environment. You are always available to help.
“RED MOON” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a sensitive person, connected with the cycles of nature and emotions. You have the art of empathizing with your surroundings and with them creating a perfect environment to flow in harmony.
“YELLOW STAR” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a person who enjoys art in its different manifestations, you have an elegant way of embellishing your environment.
“BLUE HAND” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are medicine for the body, mind or spirit. Knowing and sensing where to travel the path of healing.
“WHITE WORLD-BRIDGER” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a person who links nourishing bonds and releases those that complete their cycle, generating a multipotential fertile void. You connect with different worlds and realities.
“RED SNAKE” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a person with a strong survival instinct, aware of your physical-mental and spiritual body to connect your intuition and sacred sexual magic.
“YELLOW SEED” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a concrete and wise mature person. That facilitates the flourishing and development of its environment, leading its growth.
“BLUE NIGHT” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a person who lives and fulfills his dreams. Enjoying the opportunities, enjoying and sharing your physical, mental and spiritual prosperity and abundance.
“WHITE WIND” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a person who communicates from your soul, aware of your physical-mental and spiritual language, you are creating realities.
“RED DRAGON” for the galactic Mayan worldview means that you are a creative person, connected with physical, mental and spiritual nutrition. With intense creative energy and a unique power to give birth to your dreams.
Your Lunar tone indicates what your vibration is. It is the way you adopt to do things in this world, in your case your Tone is:
““MAGNETIC” means that your frequency is the collective purpose, having the power of attraction.
“LUNAR” means that your frequency is the challenge, having the power of resilience.
“ELECTRIC” means that your frequency is service, having the power of multiple talents.
“SELF-EXISTING” means that your frequency is form, having the power of discipline and methodology.
“OVERTONE” means that your frequency is splendor, having the power of empowerment.
“RHYTHMIC” means that your frequency is balance, having the power of perseverance.
“RESONANT” means that your frequency is analyzing, having the power of the body-mind-spirit connection.
“GALACTIC” means that your frequency is coherence, having the power of spirituality.
“SOLAR” means that your frequency is passion, having the power of motivation.
“PLANETARY” means that your frequency is manifestation, having the power of discipline.
“SPECTRAL” means that your frequency is liberation, having the power of self-government.
“CRYSTAL” means that your frequency is that of service, having the power of abundance.
“COSMIC” means that your frequency is happiness, having the power of equanimity.